After several years of Blema Von Voldark's policies lifting up the lower class, monopolistic noble Stephill Frie had enough when her DECENTRALIZE ACT tore away his control over the Nexus he once manipulated. Desiring to stop her agenda in its tracks, Frie scheduled meetings with his two largest competitors: The Von Voldarks and the Von Solstars.
The GNU was formed. Spoken and written propaganda was spread during noble gatherings and across the STEMNET. Crafted speeches about economic and social doomsday events were planted in the minds of already paranoid noble business owners. The same noble business owners that Stephill Frie had been abusing his legal power to collapse believed in his gospel.
More companies joined alongside the GNU in steadily jacking up their prices across Stem City to protest against Blema's law. Normal citizens couldn't afford their goods anymore. The homeless and hungry doubled. Many blamed Stem Tower for this and left for where both the city and nobles' control was limited: the Outlands.
It took four long years for Blema to crush the GNU's economic chokehold with the MONOPOLY ACT. She targeted the three biggest players: Frie's BACKBONE INDUSTRIES, Von Voldark's casinos, and Von Solstar's various beauty and fashion stores. She sold their land off at auctions. Those on top watched in shock as the middle class nobles, the same ones that the upper class had been bullying for years, turned on their leaders and started taking whatever they desired from obese conglomerates.
The GNU's major players broke up shortly after the MONOPOLY ACT started. However, Stephill Frie is still looking for a figurehead to revive the movement around nobles regaining their previously lost rights; his eyes are set on Turbina Kaset.