Education is practically nonexistent for the greater population of Stem City. Families are usually responsible for their children's education.
The only major school in Stem City is known as Shroom's Academy. It's a megaplex containing separate buildings for primary school, secondary school, specialized education, and a public library.
Primary school is comprised of reading, writing, and basic math. Ages 4-6 are enrolled.
Secondary school is comprised of advanced reading and writing, business basic, and housing basic. Ages 7-10 are enrolled.
Specialized classes essentially allow families to choose what they'd like their child to grow up to be. Many parents allow their children to pick, but the school only accepts the family seniors' final decision. A hefty fine is required to become enrolled in these classes. The main classes include: economics, engineering, architecture, and medicine. They do include lesser classes for cooking, advanced sciences, and advanced physical education. Ages 11-16 are enrolled.
Most classes up until specialization are taught by the class' noble professor's government-supplied Lawmen Type-3 with a single Type-4-X onsite that the robots can refer to if there's an error. If a child flunks out of any primary or secondary class, they are blacklisted from getting any specialized classes for the rest of their lives. The pressure to succeed for the noble youth is crushing.
During the Era of External Expansion, Stem City's educational system prided itself on teaching logical skills, required life skills, and history to all that were submitted. The Council of 12 poured a large amount of the city's wealth into keeping the education system running for both the growing Stem Rams and the off-worlders who decided to settle.
After ex-professor Ahsonov took over, he completely revoked the right for anybody but Stem Rams to enter the education system with his NATIVE PRIORITY ACT. All schools were demolished, and Shroom's Academy was born. It was built with the explicit purpose of creating future smarter Stem Rams while restricting future generations of off-worlders in Stem City from catching up.
History was practically rewritten and freshly taught to the now noble class of Stem Rams, indoctrinating future generations to Ahsonov's vision.
After the UNITY ACT in XX710, some schools cropped up around the poorer areas of Stem City. Sadly, in the modern day, any new education center only usually lasts a few years due to a lack of interest from locals.